No matter how bad your day, week, or even year has been there is always something to be grateful for. I often am reminded of how thankful I should be for my family, my health, all the amazing experiences I have had in life, and simply for the sun on my face. Focusing on just the smallest thing will help you to forget about all those other things you need not worry about.
Love Yourself
If you don't nobody will! Loving yourself does not have to be conceited or egoistic. Loving yourself can mean taking care of yourself mind, body, and soul. Exercising. Eating for health. Taking time out to feed you soul. Learning something new. Listening to your heart. Treating yourself like someone you respect and admire. You are awesome and it's OK to think so!
Just let it go. Holding on to anger and resentment does nobody any good, especially yourself. Forgiveness is a tool for you to let go of the negative feelings and associations that are holding you back from your BEST life. It doesn't necessarily mean you have to let that person back into your good graces, but by forgiving others you free yourself from all that negative weight.
Abide by the Four Agreements:
Be Impeccable With Your Word | Your words are powerful. Use them to speak love and truth not only to others, but also to yourself. I use this agreement to remind myself to “talk nice” to myself and not beat myself up over little and big things. Remember that all we say and all we are is a result of how we think and talk to ourselves.
Don't take anything personally | What others do and say has nothing to do with you. Thinking so is wrong and will make you suffer. Their words and actions are only a reflection of their reality. Don’t let it affect your reality. Don't fret about people’s perceptions or actions towards you. The way people treat you has very little to do with you but everything to do with them, their minds and lives.
Don't Make Assumptions | Communicate clearly and truthfully and ask questions. By not saying anything and only assuming you may create conflict. Ask and know the truth to avoid misunderstanding. Don’t jump to conclusions. Always ask questions to make sure you truly know what’s going on so as to not create unnecessary conflict.
Always Do Your Best | In order to do things with joy and love you must always do your best. Your best, however will not always be the same depending on your health, mood or situation. If you can always say “I did my best” you will not regret or end up abusing yourself. Put forth your best effort in all aspects of life: job, family, friendship, finances, and health in doing so you won’t have regrets later.
Exercise Your Mind-Body Connection
Clear your head by exercising your body! That runners high or yogi glow ain't no lie y'all. Moving your body gets you out of your head and helps clear the cobwebs you've been weaving up there all day. Regular exercise produces those feel good endorphins and in turn leads to mental health and clarity.
Find a moment. Stop. And Breathe. Deeply.