A1. KB Rack Squat @30x1; 6-8x4; Rest 45 seconds (16Kg)
A2. Side Lying external rotations @1111; 6-8/arm x4; Rest 75 seconds - VIDEO (5lb)
B1. 1-arm DB Floor Press @1111; 8-10x3; Rest 60 seconds - light, mind the shoulder, except do this on the floor instead VIDEO (20lb)
B2. Cable Rope Face Pull; 8-10x3; Rest 75 seconds - VIDEO (50lb)
C1. Half kneeling cable chop @1111; 10-12/side x3; Rest 60 seconds - VIDEO (60lb)
C2. TRX Y; 10-12x3; Rest 90 seconds - VIDEO
4-6 sets: 400 meter jog
60 seconds rest
- Every set should be within 5 seconds or else terminate the workout
I was really sore again after Monday. Shoulders are still feeling stressed. The side lying external rotation was the only move that caused me pain. I started with 10 lb. and had to move down to 5 lb. Everything else felt pretty strong.
A2. Side Lying external rotations @1111; 6-8/arm x4; Rest 75 seconds - VIDEO (5lb)
B1. 1-arm DB Floor Press @1111; 8-10x3; Rest 60 seconds - light, mind the shoulder, except do this on the floor instead VIDEO (20lb)
B2. Cable Rope Face Pull; 8-10x3; Rest 75 seconds - VIDEO (50lb)
C1. Half kneeling cable chop @1111; 10-12/side x3; Rest 60 seconds - VIDEO (60lb)
C2. TRX Y; 10-12x3; Rest 90 seconds - VIDEO
4-6 sets: 400 meter jog
60 seconds rest
- Every set should be within 5 seconds or else terminate the workout
I was really sore again after Monday. Shoulders are still feeling stressed. The side lying external rotation was the only move that caused me pain. I started with 10 lb. and had to move down to 5 lb. Everything else felt pretty strong.