Why do a cleanse? The Standard American Diet, processed foods, GMO's, pesticides, toxins, chemicals, antibiotics and our fast-paced, stress-filled lives have all become a normal and accepted part of modern life. All these things have the potential to interrupt and damage the body's natural functions and ultimately cause it to suffer in many ways small and large. Your detoxification system, comprised of your organs and psychological processes working together, is designed to keep you healthy, youthful and happy. |
Consequently, when I was at my heaviest weight I also happened to be extremely stressed and emotionally drained. With a little help from you this amazing system can become a super power center for healing, regeneration, restoration and rejuvenation. Doing a detoxifying cleanse helps to reactivate your potential and reset the whole mental and physical body. It delivers an all access pass to boundless reserves of energy and healing you didn't even know you had.
Why I Chose the CLEAN Cleanse
I chose the book Clean by Alejandro Junger primarily because it fit my lifestyle and encompassed everything I was trying to accomplish:
I chose the book Clean by Alejandro Junger primarily because it fit my lifestyle and encompassed everything I was trying to accomplish:
- LONG ENOUGH: It is a 10 or 21-day cleanse which would gives enough time to heal, break bad habits and form new better ones.
- FOOD BASED: You're not required to go vegan or totally starve ourselves on juice! You have a protein smoothie for breakfast, a healthy protein+veggie lunch, and a light veggie soup or fresh juice for dinner.
- MIND-BODY-SPIRIT INCORPORATED: It's not just a dietary cleanse. You are encouraged to meditate to cleanse the mind and change negative thought patterns that don't serve you. My favorite meditation resources: Release Into Now with Cory Allen, Insight Timer App, Headspace App, Hay House Meditations Podcast
- MOVE YOUR BODY: Exercise is also encouraged, and since you are still eating nutrient dense foods you have the energy and strength to stay active, go for a run, or do yoga.
- ADIOS CHEMICALS: All environmental toxins and chemicals including cleaning & beauty products are eliminated and replaced with safe natural products. This includes traditional toothpaste, antiperspirant, deodorant, all soaps & detergents, makeup, air fresheners, etc.
The Basics
- Liquid Breakfast: Smoothie with greens, spinach, kale, blueberries & raspberries, cucumber, almond milk, vegan protein powder, chia seeds, super greens, coconut butter, maca powder, bee pollen, etc.
- Solid Lunch: Healthy lunch with animal protein and veggies from the approved foods below. My lentil recipe is a great lunch option. Just switch the sausage for ground turkey, chicken, lamb or go all veggie!
- Liquid Dinner: Fresh veggie juice OR blended veggie soup. Link to my veggie soup recipes HERE
- 2 Tablespoons of Organic Extra Virgin Cold Pressed Olive Oil before bed
- Fast for 12 HOURS between breakfast and dinner. If dinner was at 7 pm breakfast is at 7 am.
- Drink at least 1 liter of pure filtered water a day not including tea.
- Snack, only if needed, on RAW veggies, fruit or nuts
- Supplement List Fiber, Probiotics, Liver Detoxification Support, Antimicrobial, Digestive Enzymes, Natural Vitality Calm Magnesium
- Printable Shopping List
- PDF Cleanse Manual
Approved Foods ORGANIC as much as possible...
| Forbidden Foods